Hi, welcome to my site!
I'm Blaž Urban Gracar, a Slovenian artist, active in multiple creative fields. I'm a musician, writer, filmmaker, game designer and graphic designer. You'll find most of my catalogue on this site - feel free to explore whatever interests you:
Music / Games / Literature / Videos /
About (Biography, links, contact)
2025/01/16 - Premiere of the theatre play "Zakaj sva se ločila", for which I made the music.
2024/12/11 - Release of "LOK Digital" which I co-created..
2024/12/11 - Release of "LOK Digital" soundtrack, which I made..
2024/10/26 - Premiere of the film "To je rop!", for which I made the music.
2024/10/16 - Premiere of the theatre play "Jata", for which I made the music.
2024/09/06 - Finished the first draft of "Herd".
(Author of the photo above: Luka Kaše)